Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Importance of purpose and balance

You should plan your garden well.
Having one done up properly is important for the environment.
The natural environment is very powerful. A positive aspect of gardening is that it allows for plants to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen back into the environment.
There is no doubt that gardening is good for the health and helps reduce stress.
Some take to gardening to release tension from work and daily chores.
Gardens also bring a sense of accomplishment, but not when they soon get too cluttered.
According to Feng Shui experts, a garden must be free of clutter so the qi flow freely. Qi should have an unobstructed path throughout.

Design passageways to make the walk-through more delightful.
Everything in a garden should be placed in good order from your potted plants, garden decors and tools. It should all have a specific purpose and place, and not just thrown around without meaning.
Each tree, plant, shrub and object placed in the garden should be there to balance the five Feng Shui elements — wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

If you have a garden that doesn’t feel quite right, try balancing the elements to make it more comfortable like removing some plants and objects, or rearranging them.
If there are fallen tree branches, remove them. If there are broken pots, discard them. If there are dried leaves or decaying plants, get rid of them. The presence of dead plants, broken branches and pots can disrupt the flow of qi. Ultimately, it would also lower the energy level and this may cause uneasiness among family members each time they pass through to get indoors.

Get rid of dead plants as they could disrupt the flow of qi.
Furthermore dead plants, broken branches and pots can be a good breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Applying the principles of Feng Shui to your garden landscape design will give you a feeling of calmness and well-being.
Make the outside space equally important as the inside of your home.

Another thing you may want to consider is adding doorways and passageways as final touches to your garden.
Walking through a “doorway” in the garden — be it a real door surrounded by shrubbery — can somehow seem magical.
Adding doors in the garden might need a bit of work, but the end-results are visually captivating. It will be good if the doorway leads to somewhere like a seating area, pond, or flower garden than just standing there meaningless.

Discard broken pots.
Consider an old wooden door with a distressed look, or a wrought iron door. You’ll need to attach the door to something like a frame to hold. This could be a metal, wooden or concrete frame, which ever you find easy to install. Make sure the frame is firmly planted in the ground.
For passageways, there are a number of options. You can use metal or wood to build an archway, gazebo or arbor draped in vines.

You can also build a passageway using plants. Do this with sturdy choices like hedges or shrubbery making the walk-through more delightful.


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