Tuesday, August 27, 2019

"White is White, Black is Black"

By Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew
The fact is the only standard to examine the truth. You can’t change black into white. White is white, another horse l like, which is ZEBRA. When l decided to write and open a Facebook page, although l am not a historian, l pay attention to history. 

Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew (pix taken from Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew's Facebook page)
History is our best teacher. l try to apply my philosophy thinking to spark those who follows my Facebook to think with good intentions, for the betterment of this country. To let those who are willing to follow my Facebook means coming into my house to have a meaningful mind exchange
and a civil conversation. Understanding the importance of what a country must repair or transform quickly , with a bit of disappointment on the delay and long awaiting of Justice which is still not delivered .

The delaying of Justice is compromising a lot of perceptions of the new government and very soon it will become a credibility issue. Although this government is very different from the old government, as l wrote before about the corruption of 1MDB. 

Corruption is like the outbreak of plague that makes people sick infecting even healthy people. When the source of the plague is identified and you still can’t cure it or stop it quickly, it spreads fast and the passing of the disease will continue and the damages caused can be beyond imagination. Like Sars, if the source and the carrier is not contained, you get infected without notice, and the disease will mutate. Now a days the disease (corruption) is mutating and it will be more serious. This
is the similarities of plague and corruption.

Jho Low Belum Ditangkap and Malu Apa BossKu led me to make a mistake by changing a graphic flag colour from white to black. Am l infected or affected? This created such a big response of confrontation, controversy and my Facebook was ransacked - This has taught me a good lesson. 

People and the young rejected the black - the darkness which represents corruption, the number one enemy of the country and thanks to the cyber-troopers I believe they are all young friends who visited my Facebook - my "house". 

Since this is the month of Merdeka let’s discuss the meaning of the Jalur Gemilang.

To start with, the Red represents Bravery - as a human we are all not perfect. If we make mistakes, we admit it and if we are wrong we confess, ask for forgiveness. To me that is the meaning of the Red - The True Bravery. 

Than the White can’t change to black as we agreed. The white represents Suci dan Bersih. Far away from corruption. You all must find a rational way to ensure a clean moral and a society with ethics. 

The Star and Moon with the background of Blue, to me this links to our constitution Article 3. Islam is the religion of the federation, other religion may be practiced in PEACE and HARMONY in any part of federation. Peace and harmony is the core value of Islam. Non Muslims must appreciate and understand the value of Islam - Peace & Loving. The care of Islam in this country is under the power of the King and Ruler which is stated very clearly in the Federal constitution.

Last but not least the Yellow. When we said it represents the royal or royalties it is not good enough. We are a Monarch Democracy. Political parties comes and goes every five years and the Ruler council who appoints the King is to ensure the people of Malaysia have a good government. The King and The Rulers may have no business on how to run the government but The King and The Rulers have the responsibility to ensure the government is properly Governed for the people and country .

URUSAN SERI PADUKA BAGINDA, that is my understanding of the yellow of our Jalur Gemilang. It is the spirit of our constitution and our constitution is the best medicine for this country. 

Happy Merdeka (pix from Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew's Facebook page)

This is the month of Merdeka. The theme is Bersih. White represents Bersih. Let’s celebrate Malaysia’s flag first and everything else comes second. I will fly the Jalur Gemilang high again on my Facebook. HAPPY MERDEKA!!!

*Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew*
This post first appeared on Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew's Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/tsleekimyew/
Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew (丹斯里 李金友) is best known for his role as the Founder and Chairman of Country Heights Holding Berhad, a company listed on the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.  He is an experienced and passionate Malaysian Entrepreneur and have strong belief in Chinese Philosophy. He is an established and renowned property developer with over 30 years of  experience in the industry.

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